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What is Sandplay Therapy?  サンドプレイセラピー (箱庭療法)


Sandplay Therapy



Sandplay Therapy is a type of psychotherapy, it is a powerful addition to verbal therapy and the nonverbal therapeutic technique developed by Dora M. Kalff in the late 1950. Based on Jungian psychology with the use of sand, water and figurines, you can create sand images within a “free and protected space” of the designed sandplay room , sand trays and a trust built therapeutic relationship. It provides access to our unconscious material in a visual yet visceral way through a series of sandplay images portrayed in the sand trays.  An ongoing dialogue between the conscious and the unconscious aspects of the client’s psyche. It is a healing process and let us step onto our inner journey to reach our integrity. Sandplay therapy is an individual work and  leading us to have a personal hero journey.


(adapted from ISST definition)




Why needs/ Who fits Sandplay Therapy? 



A personal inner journey (or it is called as a hero journey)


Sandplay Therapy provides a safe and protective space for the client to undertake very deep work and access parts of the psyche that are not normally accessible. A well trained therapist will take great care of you with patience and accompany you with your inner journey. You will reach deeper levels of healing, and this complements and deepens the verbal work from counseling. It is also effective in healing pre-verbal or nonverbal trauma. You will find magic moments where your wound or emotions will be unfolded in the tray through the therapist viscerally and emotionally resonating with it. There is no interpretation on your sandplay work during the process as we provide free and protected space for your spontaneous exploration to your inner world. 


Sandplay Therapy is not for everyone. Sometimes, you may prefer to talk or you may have experienced a lot of dreams you would like to share during your sessions. Some children will prefer to do play therapy rather than showing an interest in the sand or making a sand picture. Some adults will never use sandplay, and in fact shrink from the very idea of "playing with toys". Many verbally articulate clients prefer to talk more rather than engage in sandplay work. Psychotic factors will be considered within the safety of having sandplay therapy sessions. It is due to the safe exploration of our inner world and how to have a constellation of our Self. 



Who benefits from Sandplay Therapy?


Deep levels of healing


  • Emotional Management

  • Emotional Disturbance 情緒障害

  • Depression うつ病

  • Anxiety and Phobias  不安と恐怖症

  • Relationship Difficulties 人間関係に困難を感じる

  • Life Transitions人生の転換期に直面している

  • Difficulties with Self-Esteem 自尊心の欠如

  • Eating Issues 摂食障害

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 心的外傷後ストレス障害

  • Professional/Career Issues 昇進や出世の問題を抱えている

  • College/Graduate School Issues 大学・大学院での問題

  • Stress Management ストレス管理

  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) 注意欠陥障害

  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 注意欠陥/多動性障害

  • Autism自閉症

  • Intellectual Disability 知的障害

  • Sexual Abuse 性的虐待

  • Spirituality 精神

  • Gender Identity Support ジェンダーアイデンティティ(性同一性障害)サポート

  • Adjustment issues 順応能力/適応能力の欠如

  • Parenting & Family Education 子育てと家族教育

  • Personal Growth 個人の成長

  • Grief, Loss, or Bereavement 悲しみ、喪失、または死別

  • Other Issues その他の問題


Sand & Water 砂と水

Sand and water are ancient, limitless and flowing substances of nature without boundary.They have several potential relationships in Sandplay Therapy. When water dominates, sand be shaped with structure, like a mound. Water represents for ocean which is the birthplace of life on our planet. It is a symbol in human psyche for collective unconscious, the birthplace of psychic life (Steinhardt, 2006).

砂と水は古代から、境界なく流れ続ける自然の産物です。サンドセラピーと多くの関係があります。「水が支配するとき、砂はマウンドのように形作られる。」 (シュタインハルト、2006)


Inititial session

初診相談: ¥12,100/75 mins (稅入)

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Sand trays サンドトレイ

1 wet and 1 dry sand trays are included at the sandplay room. They are two rectangular wooden sandtrays, painted blue within (Steinhardt, 2000). Sandtray will contain sand and designed to provide a free and protect space for the client to access parts of the psyche that are not accessible. It is a rectangle with size 57cm*72cm*7cm.  Inside, blue printed for representing ocean, sky or life energy.



Subsequent session Fee

その後の相談:  ¥11,000/50 mins (稅入)


Figurines フィギュア/ミニチュア

Selected figurines are the symbols representing your inner world.  Every sandplay therapist will base on some basic categories for the ground and then depend on his/her own preference and interest to have his/her collection. Thus, it is a fun for you to step in your therapist's room to have a look of his/her collection. 



Booking a session

Sandplay Therapist

A qualified sandplay therapist also has experience as a client of having sandplay therapy. Our foundation of faith and trust in the therapeutic process is based on our own experiences of having our own healing journey. We believe you will  have a deep, psycho-spiritual experience of sandplay therapy with us.


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