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Child-centered Play Therapy 


"Play is their language, toys is their words" (Landreth, 1991)

What is Child-centered Play Therapy? 子ども中心のプレイセラピーとは何ですか?

It is a type of psychotherapy, based on Person-centered Theory that uses a non-directive approach. The Play room and the therapeutic relationship are built for setting up a platform to encourage children to allow their natural ability to express their deeper emotions from life experiences or even wounds during their growth, within a safe and protective environment. The child will be a director and chose what to play inside the play room. The therapeutic process respects a child’s natural ability to guide their own process rather than a therapist impressing ideas onto them.


Why needs therapy?  なぜ治療が必要なのですか?

Unlike adults, children cannot talk through their problems and gain insights from their situations. Their cognitive ability is still undergoing development to process their emotions verbally. Play is a natural means and it is the child's language to express their words with toy materials.Through play therapy, selected toy materials, a safe and protective playroom as well as an accepting therapist, the child is allowed and empowered to use play to work out difficult experiences, repressed emotions and generate creative solution to their problems. 


Access to the suitability of having Play Therapy: プレイセラピーに適しているクライアント:

  • aged 3 - 12, generally speaking, suitable for all children 3歳から12歳、一般的に言えば、すべての子供に適しています

  • special educational needs (SEN): Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) or gifted, etc 特別な教育ニーズ(SEN):自閉症、注意欠陥障害(ADD)、注意欠陥/多動性障害(AD / HD)またはギフテッド・チャイルドなど

  • Oppositional behavior 反抗的行動

  • Temper tantrums and difficulty with emotional regulation かんしゃくと感情調節の困難

  • Difficulty in sleeping and eating 睡眠と摂食障害

  • Anxiety 不安

  • Depression うつ病

  • Panic, Phobia, Fear パニック, 恐怖症, 恐れ

  • Perfectionism 完璧主義

  • Abuse, neglect 虐待、育児放棄

  • Single parenting, attachment issue, adopting, foster care 片親家庭、愛着障害、養子、 里親養育

  • Sibling rivalry 兄弟間の競争

  • Peer relationship 友人関係

  • Trauma トラウマ

  • Divorce, Bereavement (death of family members) 離婚、死別(家族の死)

  • Chronic illness 慢性疾患

  • Hospitalization 入院

  • Adjustment issue: moving home, changing school, emigration 順応適応力の欠如:引っ越し、転校、 移住

  • School referral 学校紹介

  • Slow learning or lack of motivation for learning 学びの遅れ、または学習意欲の欠如​

Benefits from Play Therapy プレイセラピーのメリット

  • Release the repressed emotions 抑圧された感情を解放する

  • Be more creative and resourceful in confronting their own problems 自分の問題に立ち向かう上で、より創造的で賢く対応出来る

  • Accepting one's positive and negative feelings ポジティブな感情とネガティブな感情を受け入れる

  • Don't turn the negative feelings as a shame 否定的な感情を恥としない

  • Become more self confident and get rid of a sense of inferiority 自信を持って劣等感を取り除く

  • Learn self-control and develop one's self direction 自制心を学び、自分の方向性を伸ばす

  • Reduce deviant behavior 逸脱した行動を減らす

  • Develop an internal source of evaluation 内面の自己評価の向上

  • Become more responsible for their own decision making自分の意思決定に対しより責任を持つようになる

  • Develop a more positive self-image よりポジティブな自己イメージを育む

  • Become more matureより円熟する

Assessment Area (5 distinct stages) 評価エリア(5段階)

  • Stage 1: Diffuse negative feelings in every aspect of their play. ステージ1:彼らの表現のあらゆる面で否定的な感情を拡散させる。

  • Stage 2: Ambivalent feelings, generally anxious and hostile.ステージ2:もやもやした感情、一般的な不安と敵意。

  • Stage 3: Direct negative feelings, expressed towards parents, siblings or others, or in specific forms of regression.ステージ 3:親、兄弟、または他の人に対して表現される直接的な否定的感情、または特定の方法で逆戻りする。

  • Stage 4: Ambivalent feelings, positive and negative, resurface.ステージ4:ポジティブとネガティブ両方のもやもやした感情の再浮上

  • Stage 5: Clear, distinct, separate, usually realistic positive and negative attitudes, with positive attitudes predominating in the child’s play.ステージ5: 通常チャイルドプレイではポジティブな態度を持ち、明確、明快、個性的、正常なポジティブとネガティブな態度。

Duration of the therapy​ 治療期間

Generally speaking, it takes a child 3-4 sessions to feel secure in the playroom and build up a trustful relationship with the therapist. Depending on the child's personality and the nature of his/her challenge facing, like repressed emotions, temperament or relationship with peers or family members, play therapy sessions may vary between 8 to 20 sessions and up to a year in some difficult situations.


Play therapist プレイセラピスト

  • Genuineness 誠実

  • Empathetic understanding 共感し理解を示す

  • Unconditional positive regards 常にポジティブな考え

  • Non-intrusive 差し出がましくない

  • Trust & rapport building with the child 子供との信頼関係と親密な関係の構築

  • Respect 敬意を示す


  • Initial parent consultation 親との初診相談: ¥12,100/75 mins (稅入)

  • Subsequent parent consultationその後の親との相談:  ¥11,000/50 mins (稅入)

  • Play Therapy sessionプレイセラピーセッション: ¥7,700/50 mins (稅入)

Language 言語

Bhakta:English/Cantonese 英語/広東語

​Ryan:English/Catonese/ Mandarin / Japanese/ Foochow  英語/広東語/國語/日語/福州語

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